Nausea Summary
Two well known herbal remedies to nausea, ginger and mint, can be effective nausea reducers. Vitamin B6 can be effective, too. There is some evidence that the fruits quince, pomegranate, and lemon and the herb chamomile can reduce nausea as well.
Ensiyeh and Sakineh, 2007), (
Ernst and Pittler, 2000), (
Hosseini and Adib-Hajbaghery, 2015), (
Niebyl and Goodwin, 2006), (
Ozgoli, Goli, and Simbar, 2009), (
Sanaati et al., 2016), (
Smith et al., 2004), (
Sripramote and Lekhyananda, 2003), (
Vutyavanich, Kraisarin, and Ruangsri, 2001)
Abdolhosseini, 2017), (
Abdolhosseini et al., 2017), (
Aliasl et al., 2015), (
Sahhinfar et al., 2017), (
Shahdadi et al., 2015), (
Tate, 1997)
Vitamin B6:
Jamigorn and Phupong, 2007), (
Murphy, 1997), (
Niebyl and Goodwin, 2006), (
Sahakian et al., 1991), (
Smith et al., 2004), (
Sripramote and Lekhyananda, 2003)
Quince, Pomegranate, Lemon, and Chamomile:
Abdolhosseini, 2017), (
Abdolhosseini et al., 2017), (
Aliasl et al., 2015), (
Bischoff and Renzer, 2006), (
Jafari-Dehkordi et al., 2017), (
Kia et al., 2014), (
Sanaati et al., 2016)
Other Important Information
Nausea may result from consumption of FODMAP foods or foods you are intolerant to. Check out IBS/ Indigestion for insight on how to deal with this.
For nausea-safe easy to digest foods see white rice, oatmeal, bananas, broth or not included in the diarrhea section- egg whites.